Kathi Stock doesn’t know the meaning of walls, despite having grown up in the shadow of one.
Spotlight on Karen Sharp
Karen Sharp, the longest-serving member of MITA’s leadership committee, has come full circle and she’s loving it.
Meet your Steering Committee – Treasurer
All roads may lead to Rome, but Martina Heine-Kilic’s path to Dallas crisscrossed the Atlantic. Born in Ravensburg, Germany (home of the Ravensburger puzzles), Martina moved to Mexico as a teenager. While her parents lived in Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico) where her father worked, Martina and her sister lived the grand adventure, living and studying in […]
Meet your Steering Committee – President
Editor’s disclaimer: I have no idea if MITA’s own Biljana (Billie) Karamehmedovic ever had a crystal ball when she was a little girl in her native Croatia. But… Let’s pretend for a moment that she did. Let’s imagine that one day, the crystal ball promised her, “you will go on a long journey”. Chances are […]