New Year…
Long-time members, recent graduates, old friends back in town: we mixed and mingled, shared a meal and played games. Several lucky members even won prizes.
The MITA social on February 16, 2019, was a definite success. Yovana Gonzales, Pauline LeNoir, Manuel Murillo, Juliana Ipock, Myrna Mdahuar and Josué Carmona all took part in reserving the venue, setting up catering, providing desert, purchasing gift cards and decor, and setting up the lovely space.
Tereza Braga was back in DFW for a few days and we were delighted to have her join us. Mike Mahler shared information on his upcoming art shows, demonstrating once again that language and art are intertwined. Then-President (more on this later) Josué Carmona made a call for new blood on the Executive Board and by the end of the party we had a new secretary and a new treasurer! Welcome, Judith Scott and Pauline LeNoir – your gifts of time and talent are much appreciated.
To close out the day, Josué led us all in a rousing game of Mexican Lotería with a multi-lingual twist and prizes to boot.
New Officers….
An executive board meeting was held in March, the first for our new treasurer (Pauline) and secretary (Judith). Josué stepped down as president, after serving for two years, and we are pleased to announce that Juliana Ipock has graciously agreed to step into this leadership role. Thank you, Josué and Juliana! These changes will be updated on the website shortly.
New Plans…
In addition to ongoing work to fix issues with our directory, MITA is making plans for 2019! Regular meetings of the board have been scheduled, and three general-membership events are being organized. Please mark your calendars for June 8, September 14 and November 9. More information will be sent out shortly.
I don’t know about you, but I’m excited!
Manuel R. Murill says
We are very excited about the upcoming events being planned for all MITA members. Please join us in making this a year to remember!
Mike Mahler says
This sounds very exciting. I’m delighted. To hear about all this new activity. Thanks to all the great volunteers!