Kathi Stock doesn’t know the meaning of walls, despite having grown up in the shadow of one.
One story / Two voices
In a departure from the normal blog format, I’d like to share a bilingual poem that came my way.
New Year… New Officers… New Plans!
The MITA social on February 16, 2019, was a definite success.
Tips and Tools: Vetting Potential Clients
It’s part of a professional translator or interpreter’s life. An email drops into our inbox from someone we don’t know.
Spotlight on Karen Sharp
Karen Sharp, the longest-serving member of MITA’s leadership committee, has come full circle and she’s loving it.
I really do know what some of you did this summer….
I know, because I was there for part of it. MITA was well represented this year at the annual TAJIT (Texas Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators) conference held in Austin this past July 27-29. Turnout was high this year and the professional level of the presentations was impressive. From business strategies to weapons terminology, […]